Электронные ресурсы по культурным ландшафтам


Страница по культурным ландшафтам на сайте ЮНЕСКО http://www.worldrurallandscapes.org/  

Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention. Annex 3: Guidelines on the Inscription of Specific Type of Heritage. Cultural Landscapes, Towns, Canals and Routes. UNESCO WHC. 2017. - P.83-85. http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines/

Cultural Landscapes: the Challenges of Conservation. World Heritage papers 7. UNESCO World Heritage Centre 2003. World Heritage 2002. Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility. Associated Workshops, 11-12 November 2002, Ferrara, Italy. (E)   https://whc.unesco.org/documents/publi_wh_papers_07_en.pdf    

Fowler, P.J.:World Heritage Cultural Landscapes 1992 - 2002. World heritage Papers 6, UNESCO World Heritage Centre 2003. (E) https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000133121

Proceedings of the International Symposium, Tokyo 30 May to 2 June 2005. Conserving cultural and biological diversity: the role of sacred natural sites and cultural landscapes. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000147863

Mitchell, Nora, Rössler, Mechtild and Pierre Marie Tricaud (eds): 
World Heritage Cultural Landscapes. A Handbook for Conservation and Management.World Heritage papers 26 UNESCO: World Heritage Centre 2009. https://whc.unesco.org/en/series/26/

Conserving Cultural Landscapes: Challenges and New Directions, Routledge publishers. Edited by Ken Taylor, Australian National University, Australia; Archer St. Clair, Rutgers University, USA; and Nora J. Mitchell, University of Vermont, USA. Published as part of the series Routledge Studies in Heritage, 2014 https://www.book2look.com/embed/9781317800897https://books.google.ru/books?id=vqOQBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA91&hl=ru&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false 

Luengo, A., Rössler, M. (eds.): World Heritage Cultural Landscapes. Elche, 2012 (б/с)



Библиотека ссылок сайта World Rural Landscapes initiative http://www.worldrurallandscapes.org/home/links-and-sources/reference-documents/  

Атлас сельских культурных ландшафтов. http://www.worldrurallandscapes.org/home/wrl-results/atlas-and-rl-classification/ - загрузка классификации и структура Атласа



Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, adopted by the General Conference at its 36th session. Paris, 10 November 2011. http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID%3D48857%26URL_DO%3DDO_TOPIC%26URL_SECTION%3D201.html

The UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. Report of the Second Consultation on its Implementation by Member States, 2019. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. https://whc.unesco.org/en/hul/

THE HUL GUIDEBOOK. Managing heritage in dynamic and constantly changing urban environments. A practical guide to UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape. 2016. http://historicurbanlandscape.com/themes/196/userfiles/download/2016/6/7/wirey5prpznidqx.pdf

The Implementation of the UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape Recommendation. Proceedings of the International Expert Meeting, Shanghai, China, 26-28 March 2018. https://whc.unesco.org/en/hul/


European Landscape Convention

Европейская ландшафтная конвенция https://www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list/-/conventions/rms/090000168008063e

Пояснительный доклад к Европейской ландшафтной конвенции https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=09000016800cce47

Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the guidelines for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 6 February 2008 at the 1017th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies) https://search.coe.int/cm/Pages/result_details.aspx?ObjectID=09000016805d3e6c


Референтные публикации на сайте Совета Европы https://www.coe.int/en/web/landscape/publications

Европейское руководство по сельскому наследию. 13 СЕМАТ (2003)4. https://rm.coe.int/16806f7cc2    Русский перевод Тамары Семёновой https://rm.coe.int/16806f7cc6

16th CEMAT Symposium and 12th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (Thessalonica, Greece, 2-3 October 2012) European spatial planning and landscape, No. 99 https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=09000016806483c6

Territories of the future: landscape identification and assessment, an exercise in democracy. 13th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Cetinje, Montenegro, 2-3 October 2013. https://rm.coe.int/16806f21d4

Landscape facets. Reflections and proposals for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Council of Europe, January 2012 https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=09000016802f299b

Landscape dimensions. Reflections and proposals for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Council of Europe, April 2017. https://rm.coe.int/landscape-dimensions-reflections-and-proposals-for-the-implementation-/1680714487


Permanent European Conference on the Study of Rural Landscapes (PECSRL)

PECSRL 2014. 26th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape. Unraveling the Logics of Landscape 8–12 September 2014 in Gothenburg and Mariestad, Sweden. http://www.pecsrl.org/PECSRL_2014_Conference_Book.pdf

PECSRL 2016. Mountains, uplands, lowlands. European landscapes from an altitudinal perspective. Oliver Bender, Julia Baumgartner, Kati Heinrich, Heidi Humer-Gruber, Brigitte Scott, Tobias Töpfer (eds.) https://www.pecsrl2016.com/images/PECSRL_2016_Abstractbook_s.pdf



Management Guidelines for IUCN Category V Protected Areas: Protected Landscapes/Seascapes. Adrian Phillips, Author and Series Editor. Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 9 IUCN, World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), 2002. http://www.wildnet.ru/images/stories/project-people/IUCN.pdf

Совместный Проект ICOMOS – IUCN: Монголия, Эфиопия, Мексика.Connecting Practice Project. Final Report. https://www.iucn.org/downloads/connecting_practice_report_iucn_icomos_.pdf

Cultural and spiritual significance of nature. Guidance for protected and conserved area governance and management. 2021 https://portals.iucn.org/library/sites/library/files/documents/PAG-032-En.pdf



Публикации отечественных исследователей

Культурный ландшафт как объект наследия. / Под ред. Ю. А. Веденина, М.Е. Кулешовой. – М.: Институт Наследия; СПб.: Дмитрий Буланин, 2004. – 620 с., http://www.geokniga.org/books/8885

Калуцков В.Н. Ландшафт в культурной географии. М.: Новый Хронограф. 2008. – 320 с. https://www.twirpx.com/file/2171351/

Горбатенко С.Б. Всемирное наследие – исторический ландшафт Санкт-Петербургской агломерации. - СПб: ЗАО «Издательство «Зодчий», 2011. – 116с. http://icomos-expert.ru/nauchnye-publikatsii/45-vsemirnoe-nasledie-istoricheskij-landshaft-sankt-peterburgskoj-aglomeratsii 

Сельские культурные ландшафты: рекомендации по сохранению и использованию. / Под ред. М.Е. Кулешовой - М.: ЭкоЦентр «Заповедники», 2013. – 220 с. http://www.wildnet.ru/library/view/?id=41

Лицом к морю. Памяти Л.С. Богословской / Под ред. И.И. Крупника. – Москва, 2016. – 648 с. http://oopt.info/shtilmark/library/Licom_k_moru.pdf

Ю.А. Веденин. География наследия. Территориальные подходы к изучению и сохранению наследия. – М.: Новый Хронограф, 2018. – 472 с. http://oopt.info/data/files/publications/Vedenin_2018_web.pdf

В фокусе наследия / Под ред. М.Е. Кулешовой. – М.: Институт Географии РАН, 2017. – 688 с. http://www.igras.ru/1603

Журнал «Наследие и современность», №4, т. 1, 2018. – 130 с. Выпуск полностью посвящён исследованию культурных ландшафтов. Авторы выпуска – Веденин Ю.А., Горбатенко С.Б., Желамский А.Г., Колбовский Е.Ю., Крестев Тодор, Крупник И.И., Кулешова М.Е. http://n-i-s.ru/arhiv-nomerov/send/4-2018/29-nis20184.html

Журнал «Наследие и современность», №2, т.2, 2019. – 148 с. Выпуск посвящен культурному ландшафту Кенозерья как перспективному объекту Списка всемирного наследия. Авторы выпуска – Веденин Ю.А., Ведерникова Н.М., Колбовский Е.Ю., Кулешова М.Е., Максаковский Н.В., Мелютина М.Н., Шатковская Е.Ф., Шургин И.Н. http://n-i-s.ru/arhiv-nomerov/send/5-2019/25-nis20192.html 

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